Sunday, August 23, 2009

Almost done!

I'm done with the piecing of my string quilt. I thought I had enough Warm and Natural to get started with the quilting, but I don't and won't be able to shop for another week and a half. *darn* I really wanted to get started on it. I feel so accomplished when I can pull a quilt from the dryer and enjoy the crinkly soft finished product. You know what I mean?

Since I've gone as far as I can with it I'll share a picture of it. I started collecting Asian type prints about a year ago and was waiting until I thought I had enough and also waited until I found a pattern that would suit the fabric. I found the tutorial at Film in the Fridge. I loved the string quilt look immediately and knew that I was going to use my Asian collection for this project. The fabrics are mostly Kona Bay, Blank, Micheal Miller, Benartex, Free Spirit and Robert Kaufman.I think I'm going to name the quilt, Asian Beauty!
What do you think?


Jan said...

It's beautiful. You picked a good name.

Kim D. said...

Your quilt is gorgeous and definitely an Asian beauty.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.

loulee said...

It looks huge. Beautiful though.

Carrie said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Nikki Schreiner said...

WOW that's beautiful and a LOT of work!!! Great job :)

Candace said...

What a wonderful string quilt. I would be so proud, I've only done 1 string block, but I know that they are lots of work. Awesome.
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